Whenever you have a personal injury case and medical bills, you will be able to use your insurance policy’s med-pay provision. If you elected med-pay coverage, your insurance carrier has a contractual right to pay on your medical bills. Your insurance carrier will provide med-pay coverage, and so in the short-term, or with the first bills, and possibly all of them, you will have enough coverage under your med-pay provisions.
Regardless, the person or entity at fault is responsible for the payments of medical bills. Once you have completed all medical treatment, your attorney will either settle your case with an insurance company or present your case to a jury.
A main element of your damages is the compensation for your medical bills, which will be presented to the at-fault party for payment. Our firm has several years of experience in recovering for our clients, to include not only medical billing compensation but lost wages and pain and suffering damages, too.
If you have medical bills and have been injured in an automobile collision, contact us at the Bryant Law Firm, LLC. That’s 205-267-8561.