According to the Mayo Clinic, whiplash is defined as “a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.” Whiplash can happen in several ways. Usually, whiplash stems from a rear-end car accident, however, sports accidents, physical abuse, and slip/fall incidents can lead to whiplash, too.
No matter how whiplash happened, it can be extremely painful.
Whiplash Symptoms
Do not ignore the symptoms of whiplash, especially after being involved in any of the aforementioned accidents listed above. It is beneficial to see a doctor immediately after you feel these symptoms. If you take too long, you may prolong the pain and go without the compensation you deserve.
Whiplash symptoms tend to include, but are not limited to:
Neck stiffness
Blurred Vision
Neck Pain
Decreased range of motion
Memory loss
Difficulty concentrating
Treatment for Whiplash
With any accident and/or injury, you should always seek medical attention first. Though whiplash is painful and involves unbearable symptoms, it can be treated.
Whiplash treatment means you can still resume your normal activities, control pain involved with the injury, and restore the normal range of motion in your neck. Here are some recommendations that doctors often utilize for treating whiplash:
Physical therapy
Foam collars
Heat and/or ice
Muscle relaxants
Prescription or over-the-counter painkillers
Injections into the painful muscle areas
To properly treat whiplash, it is beneficial to keep your neck mobile.
Contact An Experienced Attorney
The Bryant Law Firm, LLC, has handled tragic accidents involving whiplash victims and other individuals. We understand the nuances of the whiplash settlement process and how to get you the compensation you deserve.
You have already suffered enough if you’ve been diagnosed with whiplash. Contact the Bryant Law Firm, LLC, at 205-267-8561. Focus on recovering from your injuries while we work tirelessly, getting you the justice and compensation you deserve. We Put Your Wellbeing First.