Property owners have a responsibility to make the place or residence a better place to live in so that the people who come to live there do not get any injury due to bad condition of residence. This responsibility is called premises liability. For example, a person who delivers packages through a courier can sue you if he happens to fall from an oil slip in the driveway. Premises Liability is a legal term that is required only when someone gets personal injuries typically caused by bad condition of someone’s property. Mostly these types of injuries are due to negligence and these cases are no exception. The person who is injured must prove that the owner of the property was negligent towards ownership or maintenance of property. Negligence is actually when the owner fails to prove his connection with the property.
An important point to be noted over here is that if a person is injured by another’s property then it is not always necessary that the owner was negligent. Even if the property is unsafe that does not mean that the owner was negligent. A person who claims to be injured by property must claim that the owner knew about the unsafe condition of property and still did not take proper steps to take care of the situation.
Premise liability can be applied to all private and public properties such as office, residence, restaurants, shopping malls, theatres, hotels, dormitories, sports arena, night clubs, grocery stores, apartment complexes, entertainment points, hospitals and more. Some of the most dangerous and potentially damaging sites are wet floors, broken tiles, bad or non-existent lighting in hallways, stairways and pathways, spills etc. most common incidents in Birmingham, AL Area that come under premise liability are swimming pool accidents, dog attacks, and slip and fall accidents.
Property owners have a responsibility to make the place or residence a better place to live in so that the people who come to live there do not get any injury due to bad condition of residence. This responsibility is called premises liability. For example, a person who delivers packages through a courier can sue you if he happens to fall from an oil slip in the driveway.
Types of Premise Liability:
In this article, we will discuss various ways in which Premise liability is determined if a person gets injured while on someone’s property. You will see how liability is determined and it depends on the following factors:
1. Special rules for the landlords
2. The actions of both owner and visitor.
3. The condition of the property.
4. The legal status of the visitor.
5. When both visitor and owner are at fault.
6. The injured person is a child or trespasser.
Get Help with Premises Liability Cases through Bryant Law Firm
If you ever get injured by someone’s property, then you can get help from a qualified injury protection attorney. You just don’t choose any attorney but the one that has experience with this type of cases to get compensation for your issue in less time and with ease. Liability is also determined by the procedures and laws of a country. There are different rules in each state. A person who is the owner is treated and dealt with in the same manner as a landowner is dealt in almost all situations. Bryant law firm has expertise in Premises Liability cases and will get you covered in no time. This is the best attorney in Birmingham, AL Area. If you are looking for the best attorney, then Bryant Law Firm is ready to help you at any time.